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Table 3 Mixed effects logistic regression of the relationship between women’s dietary diversity and male and female resource control, with control variables

From: Female and male-controlled livestock holdings impact pastoralist food security and women’s dietary diversity


Odds Ratio

95% Confidence Interval

Chickens (10s)


[1.00, 1.78]

Number of household members


[0.90, 0.98]

Number of wives in household


[1.08, 2.23]

Educated head of household


[0.98, 3.50]

  1. Notes: Tribe-specific relationships between TLUs and WDD are presented in Fig. 3. Independent variables included in this regression were: Number of chickens, Number of household members, Number of wives in the household, Educated head of household (vs. head of household without formal education), Tropical livestock units, Household tribe, and interactions between TLUs and Household tribe
  2. N = 241; 22 women were dropped due to having data missing for at least one variable included in the regression